Friday, April 1, 2016

While I think that the XJS is a fantastic car, my example is a two seat version. This makes a lot of sense as the rear seat is replaced by a storage locker, with a luggage rack. It's not like anyone over the age of six could fit in the back anyway. I did manage to cram myself in the back of that H/E convertible when I was considering it. So this car is not going to be real practical but it does have a good sized trunk. The trunk is much bigger than that of my 1996 Mustang convertible, and it has a much bigger opening. There is plenty of room for luggage for two for an extended trip, but it is not for carrying cargo. My wife likes to go go to flea markets and antique shows looking for all kinds of little (or not) treasures to redo and resell. We used to deal a lot in furniture which meant I had to take my truck everywhere we went. Luckily for me she has decided to concentrate on smaller items. We have brought home some fairly large items in the backseat of the Mustang with the top down. My kid's favorite story concerns our 2007 Mustang coupe and a three ft. model ferris wheel that she bought in Camarillo. Somehow I rearranged all the luggage  and my kids had to ride in the back seat with it on the four hour ride home.

See, the XJS can hold quite a bit. And there is still room behind the seats.