Friday, August 25, 2017

Patching the convertible top on my XJS, the Better Beater Way.  Kind of Ghetto? Absolutely. Wouldn't have it any other way.

photo source: just look!
Hopefully it will look a bit better than this.

My XJS is coming right along. Smogged, the paperwork was cleared and it is now titled in my name, new license plates have been attached.

Saturday, August 19, 2017

The Mark of Excellence?

Kind of like the Bible for my old Jag.

I post a lot on the Jaguar Forums, and I'm documenting the running story of my Jaguar obsession there also. On this blog I have a greater freedom of subject matter and I discuss my history with cars and motorcycles. Sometimes there is going to be some overlap. But my Jaguar story is a big part of my blogging identity. So I'm always going to cover it here. It's not like there is anyone reading this stuff anyway.

Friday, August 11, 2017

Why is this car considered a "White Elephant?"

Opinions may vary, but I think this car is just amazing
photo source: Jaguar cars ltd.

I guess that would depend on how you define the term. Not all value should be expressed in dollars and cents. The value of this car to me, exceeds any auction results.

Friday, August 4, 2017

Visiting the Petersen Museum, Part Two.

Of course there are movie cars.

My favorite Batmobile.

Christine and Herbie, a match made in Heaven?

Upstairs was the "70 years of Ferrari exhibit."