Saturday, July 27, 2019

So whats going on with the XJS?

A seldom seen vantage point of the V12  caught with it's pants down.

Unfortunately not much. Does the term "Gumption Trap" ring a bell?

Friday, July 19, 2019

I've written a lot about my Explorer lately.

To be honest, after it was first recovered I felt like scrapping it. I was angry that it had been stolen and then I had to pay out a bunch of money to get it released from the yard. To be fair the local Police did telephone me when they found my truck. If I could nave gotten there in time I could have avoided the tow and storage fees. I tried but I couldn't get there before it was hooked up.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

A lock and chain will only stop the honest people from stealing your motorcycle,

I used to keep a chain of this size on the front of my Harley.
photo source" the net"

The bigger the lock and chain, the more people you'll keep honest!

Sunday, July 7, 2019

How about a rope, instead of a shoestring?

Doing anything on the cheap is often referred to doing it on a shoestring, but how about when that shoestring leads you to the end of your rope?

In other words sometimes you gotta spend a little money.