Monday, January 27, 2020

The Car Keepers Guide.

Written by Joseph James (1982)

Just what kind of car guy am I?

This is an excellent book that lays out the economic and practical reasons to hold onto a car for a long period of time. It stresses the need to maintain the car properly, because you are making an investment in providing yourself with long term, reliable transportation.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Going through the "shakedown" process.

image source: getty
This would not be the result that I would be hoping for.
Looks like the driver abandoned ship!

I never once, even once, thought about doing a bad lip sync of Taylor Swift's hit "Shake it off!" Though it seems that many, many, other people succumbed (sadly) to that desire.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Thirty Something.

The ABC television series ran from 1987 through 1991.

This post isn't going to be about those angst ridden Yuppies. Though the adventures of Michael, Hope , Elliot, Nancy and the others, were entertaining to many, myself included. I mean who wouldn't want to be Gary? Good looks, great job, the only single guy in the bunch. That guy had it all.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

2020:  The year of the XJS.

A candid photo reveals that I
 could stand to lose a few pounds!

A New Year calls for resolutions even if we don't stick to them for very long. I no longer verbalize my resolutions, no need to call attention to my failings!