Sunday, June 28, 2020

Thinking about a new paint job? Part One.

There has always been products available to preserve and refresh your car's paint.
photo source: ebay

Maybe you should try to save what you've got. First.

New paint on an old car.

It's kind of a car keeper's dream. Or nightmare.

No matter how careful and attentive you've been to your car's present paint, the time comes when it can't  be rescued any more.

Friday, June 19, 2020

Spray painting vinyl upholstery.


What could be easier?

Just point and shoot.

Vinyl "dyes" have been around for years. They are not really dyes, they are paints.

Saturday, June 13, 2020

I finally decided to wax my truck. It's only been around ten years.

A valuable Life lesson.

While I like and appreciate my truck it has to live at the curb, uncovered. It's parked across the street so it doesn't even get the shade from the large trees in front of our house. It's not getting driven too much now either. Especially now.  I did make two trips up North last month. One to Roseville, a bit north of Sacramento and another to Placerville east of Sacramento in the foothills.

Sunday, June 7, 2020

Can a Smokey and the Bandit fan ever be happy with anything less than a Trans Am?

This is one of my favorite scenes from the movie.

Even the smog choked engines could easily throw up clouds of dust.

He might have to be.