Friday, May 26, 2023

 This why I shouldn't be scanning the for sale ads on the AACA website.

1948 Lincoln Continental offered at 35,000.
Or B/O

I often find something that I would really like to own. 

Sometimes the price is low enough that I can swing it. Barely.

Other times it's more than I can handle without a major reorganization of my hobby car fund. 

Friday, May 19, 2023

 Every once in a while, I still think about riding motorcycles.

This beautiful '64 Sportser is selling for 14,000 dollars.


I rode motorcycles for a very long time, around forty years, and I rode a lot. Not just on weekends, puttin' around town. I rode every day, through all kinds of weather, and on many long trips. 

Friday, May 12, 2023

 Why do many old car guys think that only really old cars can be the vessels of our fondest memories?

Does it require sepia tones to be authentic history?
photo source: Unsplash

Black and white toned scenes float by in our memories. But how many of us were born in the era before color photography? How many of us have grown up in the digital age, where images are rarely, if ever, consigned to hard copies? 

Friday, May 5, 2023

 My '06 Mustang GT personalization post was well received.

This is the before shot.

I saw pageview numbers that I haven't seen in a long time.

I had tacked on an addendum to that post that stated that I had installed the spoiler and was pleased. That is true, but I forgot that I had taken a few photos of the process.