Friday, February 25, 2022

 Finishing up my garage table project.

I still needed to add the horizontal bracing and casters to my table. I also decided to remove the large metal shelf unit that I had just installed. I didn't have as many extra shelves as I thought I did, so it didn't serve my purposes. I will replace it with my smaller mobile table. That will allow me to turn the locker sideways so that I can still access the tools stored inside. This table easily rolls out of the way.    

I thought that I should add the cross bracing before I flip the table on it's side to install the casters. 

These metal strap braces will beef up the connection with the table side rail

I went to Harbor Freight and picked up a couple more of these clamps. They come in very handy to mock up the components and  hold everything in position while they are screwed in place.

Here you can see the metal brace being held in position.

This 2x4 was cut down to 7ft. before it was attached. I hope that this single cross brace will be adequate.

Now for the casters. I chose to use four revolving, locking casters. This will allow me to position the table more easily and securely. 

I attached the casters with short lag bolts.

I installed a short backstop to prevent items from being accidentally pushed off of the table, where it would likely fall onto the hood of one of my car.

There's still a lot of work to be done trying to organize his space. Working on the garage might have been a way to avoid working on my cars. Maybe, but I can only delay things for so long.

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