Friday, July 28, 2023

 June 10th, 2023: Bay Area "Carmageddon."

Several years ago Interstate 405 in the LA area was going to be completely closed for some vital repair work. I was down south with my Wife and we heard, and saw news stories and advisements of the impending traffic nightmare. It was popularly dubbed by the media as "Carmeggedon." 

Friday, July 21, 2023

 "Into each Life some rain must fall." That's according to Henry W. Longfellow

Not what you want to discover.
photo source: Tirerack

Or, "Into everyone's tire, a screw or nail must find a home." That's according to this fellow!

Friday, July 14, 2023

 Last month,  I experienced an interesting juxtaposition.

This image from Motor Trend is merely representational.
'Though the car in question was almost as nice.

I was approaching Guru Electronics, a stereo store that is located in an industrial area of San Jose. Coming towards me was a '65 Chevy Impala convertible, and it turned left  into the driveway. I also turned into the driveway and came to a stop behind the Chevy, which was a Low Rider. I didn't know if he was stopped airing up his bags to deal with the speed bumps. I waited for a bit then went around him. 

Friday, July 7, 2023