How the Mighty have fallen!
photo source: wilkipedia Titans of the past. |
The cruelest of phrases, either said with smug satisfaction or merely relating the current situation.
It is, of course, the story that is the oldest in human history.
Today was quite the successful Day.
Overall they looked pretty good but a couple on the left had some deposits on the electrode. |
This time I threw the old plugs away as soon as I fired up the car and determined that it was running fine. For some reason over the years I've had the compulsion to hang onto the old plugs, "just in case." Just in case of what? Would I ever reuse these old plugs? No. It's not like this car is an old lawnmower that routinely fouls it's plugs and I've gotta constantly come up with a replacement. Modern, that is within the last Quarter of a Century, ( !) cars only get a plug change between 50-90,000 miles.
Are you still working on Cars?
photo source:Vintage Images Yes. |
I had a conversation with my brother on my birthday a couple of weeks ago. He posed that question to me. He has told me that he has read the entire library of my blog. The question is innocuous enough, though the inflection of the voice can give it a different meaning.
Space, the final frontier. Part One. I was thinking about Space when I was a kid in grade school, but not in the same way. |
Capt. Jean Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart) has a Jaguar XJS convertible exactly like mine! I highly doubt that he is as constantly concerned with space as I am.
I'm talking about the space that are cars occupy. The real estate.
As well as the unreal estate.
Space is a limited resource like money, time, and energy. Keep it moving. Movement is the illusion of progress. |
Why not, my XJS isn't pulled by any horse! |
photosource: "I can't sell that car to you, I'm gonna fix that up- Someday!" |
Right behind behind the driver's door is the worst area of the current original paint. |
I read this book as a high school freshman back in 1969-70. |
There has always been products available to preserve and refresh your car's paint. photo source: ebay |
A valuable Life lesson. |
They both seem to measure out at about six inches. |
It tastes as good as it looks. photo source: Nueske's |
Those ceilings didn't seem so high thirty years ago. |
Bill Mitchell always knew what I wanted. |
A book that I really connected with in my youth. |
The famous painting by Edward Munch. Kind of says it all. |
Written by Joseph James (1982) |
image source: getty This would not be the result that I would be hoping for. Looks like the driver abandoned ship! |