Sunday, December 29, 2019

Does it hurt to become real? Part Two. Signs of Life.

Fake, Fake, Fake.

I'm sure that the owner of this wrapped Mercedes has never owned a car that was really rusty. The whole patina thing started out with the hot rod and muscle cars guys protest against the tyranny of over restored cars. This type of presentation doesn't lend any cred to the owner in my book.

Monday, December 23, 2019

Taking first steps, hopefully not on a very long road.

I covered the fender with a plastic sheet then used a cloth.

What I mean is, that I hope that preparing the XJS for actual driving duty won't be too long a process.

As I stated in an earlier post, I've got to do some maintenance on the XJS brake system.

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Sometimes you can't help but learn something new.

Anti Lock Braking Systems (ABS) are now standard equipment on most new cars.
At one time they were seen as an exotic offering on high end cars.

Learning more about potential problems with thirty year old anti lock braking system.

Saturday, December 7, 2019

"Does it hurt to become Real?" Part One.

photo source: Get me
C'mon you know that you'd love the little guy a bit more since he's been through a few things.

"Real isn't how you are made," said the Skin Horse. "It's a thing that happens to you. When a child loves you for a long, long time. Not just to play with, but REALLY loves you, then you become real."

"Does it hurt?" asked the Rabbit.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Going to a Toyota dealer to see a used Jaguar XJR in a very used Mustang.

It's hard to believe that this car is twelve years old.

If I bought this car, would it make me happy? Would I now be "satisfied"?
Not an easy question to answer.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

The wheels on the Jag go round and round, Part Two.

Here they are, all lined up in a row.

I just finished installing the wheels with the new Cooper tires back onto my car. I had previously noted that I had a problem with one of the wheels being rusted on to the hub. A little judicious encouragement wirh a dead blow hammer and a section of 2 X 4 got the wheel free.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

It's the start of the Holiday season, and like the Autumn leaves, the expenses start to pile up.

photo source;

Basic vehicle registration fees have risen over the last few years to 137.00, and by happy coincidence, many of my cars become due as the year draws to a close.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

I have been thinking a lot about my Mark VII lately.

This is how many Marks have met their demise.
Partially disassembled and forgotten.

It's a good idea to keep the disassembled bits in the trunk.

I need to remove the old tires from the wheels. then discard them.
Then the wheels will find a home inside the car.

I have done some research looking into aftermarket universal master cylinders from Wilwood. My thinking is that if I could just replace the master then I could use the existing brake wheel cylinders and clutch slave cylinder. I need to get this thing stopping and moving under it's own power.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Fall colors and a running XJS. It's the most wonderful time of the Year!

Those Autumn leaves...

Northern California is being pounded by record gusty winds. Further North they have contributed to several wildfires and power shutdowns. We endured our own power shutdown a couple of weeks back. Today, in the South Bay, the winds are refreshingly blustery.  I love this time of the year, driving down my local streets through a whirlwind of Autumn leaves.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Cheap! Cheap! Cheap!

photo source: Kimberly T.
Why is everyone so judgmental?

It's no surprise to anyone that has read this blog for any time that I'm always trying to do things on the cheap side. That's the basic premise of this site. Usually, I don't feel any shame for my tightwad tendencies. I guess that I'm lucky that I don't have a group of close friends around that can pass judgement on my efforts. All my efforts take place in a kind of social vacuum which works out well for me.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Happy Halloween! Beware, and fear things that go bump in the night!

This is an altered book that my Wife produced at one of the Art classes she attends.

It's all about the fear.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Trouble shooting for fun and profit. No mention will be made of desperation.

Nothing to be worried about here!

Not the sight that warms the heart of the DIYers.

The Jaguar V12 is a complex assemblage of every automotive engineering feature that you could possibly imagine. Gazing into the gaping maw of the engine compartment, the uninitiated might imagine that it looks like a gigantic shark got a nuclear reactor stuck in it's mouth!

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Changing the 12 sparkplugs in my XJS. Epilogue.

It aint over until it's over.

Do you remember those great Quinn Martin television series like the Fugitive, Cannon and the Streets of San Francisco? They were always narrated by a dramatic, gravel voiced announcer, The segments were always divided into individual "Acts" then followed by an Epilogue.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Changing the 12 sparkplugs in my XJS, Act Three.

I picked up a few things that I thought might help.

I left off last week after removing all the sparkplugs.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Changing the 12 spark plugs in my XJS, Act Two.

It's a tight fit.

This is my working space, It's kind of tight but I can't complain. I'm just glad to have my car in the garage. Those white drawers, the two roll aways, and my roll-about work table let me make the most of the space. I'm very happy to have my XJS warm and dry inside. That's where a collector car should live. Right now my '96 Mustang is sleeping right beside it. After the Tahoe trip I took the Mustang out of the rotation for a couple of weeks. The XJ6 has been my daily for a while, it's going into the garage soon. It's important to keep all the cars "exercised" so that problems that can evolve from disuse don't occur.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Changing the 12 spark plugs in my XJS, Act One.

This is the engine before I started.

Even without doing any research I knew that it is going to be a very complex and labor intensive project. I went to the Jaguar forums to look for some advice. One of the members Doug D. gave a pretty good rundown. First thing that he advised was to relax, take your time, and look carefully to see just how things are assembled. The first part of the operation requires removing much of the components that are bolted to the top of the motor.

Sunday, September 8, 2019

What could I buy for around two grand?

photo source:
I'd better up the ante, two large ain't going to buy much!

Why am I even looking?

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory!

photo source: the web

This is a phrase that any old Jaguar enthusiast is well acquainted with. 

Monday, August 26, 2019

Improving my Mustang's headlamps.

The easiest way to improve the lighting, besides polishing the existing head light lens, is to replace the original bulbs with higher output units. From what I've read, the brighter bulbs will not last as long as the original specification bulbs due to increased operating temperatures.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Road Adventures?

Sounds like good idea to me.

This an informal group that meets up to take scenic group drives.

Some are one day loops others are three day overnight trips. They even have an annual 10-12 day  long group tour.

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Progress report: Mark VII.

As found after years of slumber.

Like many old car projects the time comes when you run into a brick wall. Most projects are not exactly easy, but sometimes you set yourself up for some real headaches.

Friday, August 2, 2019

It was even easier than I hoped it would be.

Anything would have to better than this.

First of all, a lot of the prep work that I had done wasn't necessary. There was no need for spring compressors, no need to disconnect sway bar links, and especially no need to disconnect the steering rack.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

So whats going on with the XJS?

A seldom seen vantage point of the V12  caught with it's pants down.

Unfortunately not much. Does the term "Gumption Trap" ring a bell?

Friday, July 19, 2019

I've written a lot about my Explorer lately.

To be honest, after it was first recovered I felt like scrapping it. I was angry that it had been stolen and then I had to pay out a bunch of money to get it released from the yard. To be fair the local Police did telephone me when they found my truck. If I could nave gotten there in time I could have avoided the tow and storage fees. I tried but I couldn't get there before it was hooked up.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

A lock and chain will only stop the honest people from stealing your motorcycle,

I used to keep a chain of this size on the front of my Harley.
photo source" the net"

The bigger the lock and chain, the more people you'll keep honest!

Sunday, July 7, 2019

How about a rope, instead of a shoestring?

Doing anything on the cheap is often referred to doing it on a shoestring, but how about when that shoestring leads you to the end of your rope?

In other words sometimes you gotta spend a little money.

Saturday, June 29, 2019

How are those sacrificial tires on the XJ6 holding up?

The (used) parts source.

I'll bet inquiring minds want to know!

I had been fussing with the slow leak in the left front tire for over a month. I knew that I needed to replace that wheel with another stock rim.

Saturday, June 22, 2019

What's wrong with this picture?

Why are these different?

Some troubles with the "new" Mustang. Of course new is a relative term.

Sunday, June 16, 2019

Happy Father's Day!

Memories of better days!
I've lost my assistant since he's now almost twenty years older and much busier.

Cars, Dads and Kids.

Monday, June 10, 2019

Gears and Gasoline. YouTube. Lot's of videos here!

I was introduced to this YouTube channel when I stumbled across their Florida to Alaska road trip series of videos. This is the first of the three videos. Honestly, I'm uncontrollably attracted to anyone's story of an epic road trip.

Sunday, June 2, 2019

More from the Blackhawk Museum.

This Stanley Wanlass sculpture summarizes the conflict of 1950's car enthusiasts;
Show or Go? Many cars had a bit of both!

The museum features a quite a few of these bronze sculptures on display throughout the hall. They are table top sized but very detailed. They all manage to convey a sense of urgency and motion. The artist has enlivened and captured the spirit and vitality in his portrayal of the vehicles and their drivers.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

A visit to the Blackhawk museum in Danville California.

The Behring Museum (the actual name of the museum)
is not your typical car museum.

I had been anticipating attending the British car swap meet in Davis for months, so I was quite disappointed when it was cancelled due to rain. We have been having a lot of heavy rain. This is so uncommon this late in the season but I shouldn't complain. What we're experiencing doesn't compare to the parts of the country that suffers from tornadoes and other furies of nature.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Vice vs. Versa?

This angle make the Mustang appear to be much larger than the Nissan
 but they are actually pretty close in size.

Today I picked up a rental car for my trip down to Riverside.

Saturday, May 11, 2019

How to improve the lighting on my 1996 SN95 Mustang.

I'll bet you can see pretty good with these!

Without it looking bogus!

The SN95 Mustang's headlights are not all that bad, until you compare them to a more modern car. Like a 2007 Mustang or my 2007 F 150. Then they end up a bit lacking.

Sunday, May 5, 2019

Now to do something about those shock absorber mounts.

Not much left here.
You might imagine that it made a bit of noise.

During the '80s and 90's Jaguar used a different material for it's insulating bushings. Instead of plain black rubber, they used what appears to be a special foam rubber. I imagine that it was more resilient or perhaps had a measure of inherent self damping. Certainly it wasn't particularly long lasting.

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Sharing a few of my recent flea market finds. This is not a late April's Fool post!

I know what kitsch means.

First of all, is this velvet painting of rather questionable taste. I remember seeing these things for sale at the San Jose flea market back in the early 1970's. Besides Devils, there were sad eyed children, voluptuous nudes, Matadors, ferocious tigers, equally sad clowns, African American couples sporting huge Afros, dolphins jumping out of the water and various portraits of Jesus, Elvis Presley and President Kennedy.

Friday, April 19, 2019

Not my best work. More bodges that I'm not proud of.

The velcro seemed like a good idea at the time.

That sticky mess of melted velcro adhesive would still allow the rear view mirror to slip down. Usually while going over a sharp bump or pothole. I got to the point where I would reflexively reach over and push the mirror back up into position.

Friday, April 12, 2019

Nothing to be proud of here. Sacrificial tires.

Step one, remove wheel.

Recently I've been so busy that I haven't had much opportunity to work on any of my cars, even a little bit.

Now it seems as though I'm finally going to get a free moment or two.

Friday, April 5, 2019

"Hey, I could make a living doing this!" The final installment.

This is where it ends.
Quite a come down from having an actual shop of my own.

Trying to find a way to cut costs I moved my inventory out of the shop into -------- a public storage space. But not just any tiny storage space, a 10 ft. by 30 ft. space. I moved all the parts racks that I had built along with my metal shelving and organized it all into a most useful arrangement.

Sunday, March 24, 2019

Did the dam break? Not exactly. Part three of the series, "I could make a living doing this!"

photo source:

Of course my business needed a website. Go Daddy provided the templates to design my web page. There is a lot of work involved in developing and maintaining a website. More than I was really able or willing to provide.

Sunday, March 17, 2019

Avoiding the "Gumption Trap!"

Pirsig thought that the term
"gumption" had a quaint ring.

In his book Robert Pirsig writes about the hazard of the "Gumption Trap." This isn't something that you fall into and are trapped like in quicksand. Instead it is a state of running out of gumption which causes you to come to a a halt in a project or endeavor. "Running out of gas" would be a similar metaphor for the same predicament.

Sunday, March 10, 2019

Speedsters and board track motorcycle racers.

This sculpture reduces the elements of the automobile to the bare elements.
photo source: The Old

The distilled essence of speed, romance and adventure.

Sunday, March 3, 2019

Trying out my idea, Part Two

This drawing is just to set the stage. It's not the XJS set up.

Day Two.

First, I wanted to raise the car a bit higher. I slipped two 1-1/2 in. wood squares under each end of the ramp to give me another three inches of height. I placed my old floor jack under the left suspension arm as a back up. I always have several jack stands supporting the car at all times.

Friday, February 22, 2019

Is there any easier way to fix the suspension of my XJS? Time to find out if my idea will work.

The marriage of rubber and steel.
In this case not a match made in heaven!

This suspension component is the bane of owners of older Jaguars. 

Saturday, February 16, 2019

POR-15; is this a dirty word?

Rusty metal has always been the bane of the automotive restorer. 

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Thinking about getting a "Forever Car?"

If I found this, Would I would keep it forever!
Probably not.

If there one thing that I have learned from all this smog test hassle is that certain cars will be difficult to carry forth into the future.

Is an older, pre smog car really the answer?

Sunday, February 3, 2019

Lessons learned from the movies.

Come for the movie.

This movie chronicles the carer of New Zealander Burt Munro.